Amman Pacharisi, commonly known as the asthma plant, is a herb native to India with various medicinal uses. It is particularly renowned as a home remedy for asthma, and its powder is widely used in Tamil Nadu for skin care, treating issues like warts, pimples, and wounds. The plant, identifiable by its coarse leaves and milky sap, is edible and often cooked with lentils for lunch to help with mouth ulcers. On the other hand, Keezhanelli, also called Keelanelli in Tamil, is a plant with versatile medicinal properties. Known scientifically as Plectranthus amboinicus, it grows in tropical and subtropical regions across Central and South America, India, and East Asian countries. Keezhanelli has been utilized for centuries in home remedies, with its root being a common ingredient. It is recognized for treating liver diseases, kidney stones, and promoting hair growth. The plant is known by various names, including Cuban Oregano, Mexican Mint, Country Borage, and Indian Borage. Both Amman Pacharisi and Keezhanelli have rich histories in traditional medicine, and their uses extend beyond their commonly known benefits.